Peer reviewed articles

Grantham H et al. 2020. Anthropogenic modification of forests means only 40% of remaining forests have high ecosystem integrity. Nature Communications 11: 5978 (2020)

Rosenbaum H, Kershaw F, Mendez M, Pomilla C, Findlay K, et al. 2017. First circumglobal assessment of Southern Hemisphere humpback whale mitochondrial genetic variation and implications for management. Endangered Species Research (32):551-567

Mendez M, Kershaw F, Palumbi S, Pinsky M, Ray C, Rosenbaum H, Subramaniam A. 2014. Marine Spatial Planning 2.0: genes and satellites to conserve seascape dynamics. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (6) 742-744

Mendez M, Jefferson TA, Kolokotronis SO, Krützen M, Parra GJ, Collins T, Minton G, Baldwin R, Berggren P, Särnblad A, Amir OA, Peddemors VM, Karczmarski L, Guissamulo A, Smith B, Sutaria D, Amato G and Rosenbaum HC. 2013. Integrating multiple lines of evidence to better understand the evolutionary divergence of humpback dolphins along their entire distribution range: a new dolphin species in Australian waters? Molecular Ecology 22: 5936-5948
{Press coverage}
{found to be the most popular article in social media at the time!}

Kershaw F, Pearson R, Waller T, Micucci P, Alvarenga E, Barros M, Amato G and Mendez M 2013. Informing conservation units for the yellow anaconda (Eunectes notaeus) in Northern Argentina. Diversity and Distributions 19 (9): 1164–1174

Pineda-Catalan O, Mendez M, Gleizer A, Garcia-Davila C, Aguirre AA, Pinedo-Vasquez M, and Amato G. 2012. Conservation genetics of harvested river turtles, Podocnemis expansa and Podocnemis unifilis, in the Peruvian Amazon: All roads lead to Iquitos. Mitochondrial DNA 23 (3): 230-238

McCartney E, Waller T, Micucci P, Alvarenga E, Barros M, Amato G and Mendez M. 2012. Population structure of the yellow anaconda (Eunectes notaeus) in Northern Argentina. PLoS ONE 7 (5): e37473

Mendez M, Subramaniam A, Collins T, Minton G, Baldwin R, Berggren P, Sarnblad A, Amir OA, Peddemors VM, Karczmarski L, Guissamulo A, and Rosenbaum HC. 2011. Molecular ecology meets remote sensing: environmental drivers to population structure of humpback dolphins in the Western Indian Ocean. Heredity (advanced online)
Press coverage {} {NYU radio} {MSNBC} {Heredity Podcast} {LiveScience} {Science Daily} {eScience News} {EurekAlert} {ScienceCodex} {ourAmazing planet}

Mendez M, Rosenbaum HC, Wells R, Stamper A, and Bordino P. 2010. Genetic evidence highlights serious demographic impacts of by-catch in cetaceans. PLoS ONE 19:2212-2228.
Press coverage {PLoS Hubs:Biodiversity} {Discovery News} {MSNBC} {Science Daily} {Science Magazine News} {EurekAlert} {eScience News} {Science Blog}

Mendez M, Rosenbaum H, Yackulic C, Subramaniam A, and Bordino P. 2010. Isolation by environmental distance in mobile marine species: molecular ecology of franciscana dolphins at their southern range. Molecular Ecology 19:2212-2228.
Press coverage {Reuters} {MSNBC} {Nature} {LiveScience} {EurekAlert} {RedOrbit} {SpaceDaily} {eScienceNews} {BiologyNews} {ScienceBlog} {ScienceCodex} {WildlifeExtra}

Rosenbaum H, Pomilla C, Mendez M, Leslie M, Best PB, Findlay KP, Minton G, Ersts PJ, Collins T, Engel MH, Bonatto S, Kotze PGH, Meyer M, Barendse J, Thorton M, Razafindrakoto Y, Ngouessono S, Vely M, and Kiszka J. 2009. Population structure of humpback whales from their breeding grounds in the South Atlantic and Indian oceans. PLoS ONE 4(10):e7318
Press coverage {Wall Street Journal}

Mendez M. 2009. Mito-communication: Genetic-demographic models of population decline. Mitochondrial DNA 20(5-6):103-104

Mendez M and Leslie MS. 2009. Mito-communication: Cetacean mitogenomics. Mitochondrial DNA Mitochondrial DNA 20(2-3):31-32

Mendez M, Rosenbaum H, and Bordino P. 2008. Conservation genetics of the franciscana dolphin in Northern argentina: population structure, by-catch impacts, and management implications. Conservation Genetics 9(2):419-435

Mendez M, Waller T, Micucci P, Alvarenga E, and Morales JC. 2007. Genetic population structure of the yellow anaconda (Eunectes notaeus) in Northern Argentina: management implications. Biology of the Boas and Pythons. pp: 405-415. Edited by Robert W. Henderson and Robert Powel. Eagle Mountain Publishing, LC.

Mendez M, Gómez A, Bynum N, Medellín RA, Porzecanski AL, and Sterling E. 2007. Conservation Education in LatinAmerica: availability of formal academic programs in conservation biology. Conservation Biology 21(6):1399-1403

Gomez A, and Mendez M. 2009. Marine protected areas in South America: a spatial assessment of cetacean distribution coverage. (both authors contributed equally to this publication) Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, LAJAM 6(2):203-20

Rodriguez JP, Taber AB, Daszak P, Sukumar R, Valladares-Padua P, Padua S, Aguirre LF, Medellin RA, Acosta M, Aguirre AA, Bonacic C, Bordino P, Bruschini J, Buchori D, Gonzalez S, Mathew T, Mendez M, Mugica L, Pacheco LF, Dobson AP, and Pearl M. 2007. Environment - Globalization of conservation: a view from the south. Science 317:755-756

Rodriguez JP, Taber AB, Daszak P, Sukumar R, Valladares-Padua P, Padua S, Aguirre LF, Medellin RA, Acosta M, Aguirre AA, Bonacic C, Bordino P, Bruschini J, Buchori D, Gonzalez S, Mathew T, Mendez M, Mugica L, Dobson AP, and Pearl M. 2007. Global and local conservation priorities - Response. Science 318:1380-1382

Bordino P, Kraus S, Albareda D, Fazio A, Palmerio A Mendez M, and S Botta. 2002. Reducing incidental mortality of franciscana dolphin Pontoporia blainvillei with acoustic warning devices attached to fishing nets. Marine Mammal Science 18(4):833-842


Mendez M. 2010. Environmental factors to population structure in mobile marine organisms: a combined genetic-oceanographic approach in coastal cetaceans. Doctoral Dissertation. Department of Evolutionary Ecology and Environmental Biology. 124 pp.

Mendez M. 2003. Estructuración poblacional y filogeografía de la boa Curiyú (Eunectes notaeus) en el noreste  argentino. Tesis de Licenciatura. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. 61 p.

Photo: Sousa spp., Nosy Be, Madagascar (© Martin Mendez)